Beat the Heat with LightSpeed’s Candy Bags

Beat the Heat with LightSpeed’s Candy Bags

In the heat of the summer, it is important to keep chocolate at a cool temperature, so it does not melt before getting to the machine.

There are many ways to do this. Small candy designed totes, clear gallon Ziploc bags … but LightSpeed also has a way to help keep candy cool and protected while in route:  our candy bag.

A custom-made bag to tailor the specific needs of our customers.

12″ x 12″ nylon, top zipper, BRIGHT red,  with a clear outside pouch for the tote tag.

Each bag holds approximately 30 candy bars.


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Industry Report

Surviving the “new normal”

Check out this Linkedln Pulse post that our partner, Mike Ferguson of VMAC Solutions, published last week.

He provides several creative ways of thinking to push through the current circumstances of our industry.

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