The Year in Review and What I Have Experienced

The Year in Review and What I Have Experienced

I have been in the industry for 8 years now and joined LightSpeed in February of this year.  The impact of Covid-19 on all of the operators I have spoken with has been significant, some far greater than others, however, I recognize this as a time of pause.  As things paused or shut down, it opened many operators’ eyes and mine, whether it be regarding business or family.

Fortunately, Randy and team have built a tremendous business and foundation here, at LightSpeed, and Randy, like no other, embraced us all, rallied the troops, and delivered us with positive messaging and words of encouragement throughout these unforeseen times.  He encouraged us to pause, focus on the business, however, approach our clients differently.  Asking how they are doing, what we can do to help, and allowed me to have the opportunity to offer a risk-free trial for Level, our warehouse inventory management software, which I feel is the last piece of operations where most need improvement, within our industry. He recognized the importance of lending a helping hand, staying positive, healthy, and keeping our families healthy and safe.

As for our operators, I noticed a pause, a pause in business unheard of and financially taxing, however a pause that allowed the operators to focus on areas of business that they really had not had the time to focus on previously.  Most I spoke with looked at the pause as an opportunity to fine-tune their business, identify weaknesses, and to maximize the opportunity to invest in becoming more efficient operationally.  How you might ask?  Our clients looked at every aspect of the business and what they could do to increase their bottom line, by reducing overhead, adding technology, and streamlining operations.  With regards to LightSpeed I saw the following additions to our operator’s business:

      • Xpress – New clients moving from paper to mobile devices for picking.
      • Lights on beverages – Clients moved from mobile picking to lights.
      • Mobile on beverages – Clients moved from paper to mobile picking.
      • Light expansions – Clients are adding more lights to the line to include more snacks or adding markets on lights.
      • Level – Implementing our warehouse inventory management system to reduce inventory, reduce time to order product, account for all products going into and out of the warehouse, account for bring backs, and easy access to all on Level’s dashboard anywhere anytime.
      • Vision – Clients are enhancing their markets with digital advertising, managed at their desk.


Lastly, the pause allowed more time with family for some and more hours of work for others, due to cuts in labor.  Some were not so fortunate and suffered tragic losses due to Covid-19 and other ailments, however, the time of pause opened our eyes.  As a single, working mother of two teenage kids, our days used to consist of always being on the go and trying to find one night, without sports or activities, to have a family dinner.  I have had time that I can never get back and have enjoyed thoroughly.  When have you ever been able to have dinner with your loved ones every night?  This time has “paused” me and my family, we enjoy cooking, laughing, and just being together.  It is a new way of life that, at times, can be mentally taxing, but also is a time to be grateful for our health, quality time, and happiness.  I hope you have found your family time to be as wonderful as I have with my kids.

All in all, while this time of pause has been trying, I am grateful for you and your support and continued business.  We all, here at LightSpeed, are grateful.  If I can assist you in any way to streamline your operations, please let me know.  I am here to help.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday season and wishing you an even happier and healthier 2021.


Lindsay Klintworth
Senior National Account Manager

Marketing Team