01 Sep Your Server Needs Care too!
Every heard of Patch Tuesday? That’s the unofficial term given to Microsoft’s scheduled updates to their software. It is normally the 2nd Tuesday of each month. A patch is a fix for certain bugs in the software, an update to the security features when bad guys figure out a way to hack it and/or any other issues that Microsoft needs to fix. The number of patches that get sent each month today is more than the annual total just a few years ago.
For most of our customers, the server is hidden in a network room or closet just churning away running your LightSpeed system out of sight, out of mind. Until something stops. And just like a truck that needs to have the oil changed and the brakes serviced, there are maintenance items that you need to do to your server to keep it in good shape and running your LightSpeed (or business). If there is a single piece of equipment that can bring an operation to its knees, it’s the server.
Here are some recommendations on how to properly care for your server:
- LightSpeed turns OFF auto updates on the servers prior to shipping. We do this to keep an update from stopping the picking process during live picking.
- One week after Patch Tuesday (normally the 2nd Tuesday of the month), run the Microsoft updates when picking has been completed for the day.
- To get the updates, click on the Windows icon on the bottom left hand side of the screen.
- Start typing the word “Update” anywhere inside the box.
- Windows will bring up any updates that have not been installed, and there should be a “Download” button that you can click to start the update process.
- If prompted, we recommend that you do NOT turn on automatic updates.
- After running updates, then restart your server.
- Take a can of compressed air and blow off the dust in the front and the back of the server. Keeping dust and dirt out of the server helps to keep it running smoothly.
By following these simple steps, you can keep your server in top condition and running your LightSpeed effortlessly. If you have any questions about this process, please do not hesitate to contact LightSpeed support either by calling 678-287-7117 Option #1 or emailing support@lightspeedautomation.com.